Sunday, January 5, 2014

Vitamin D Might Be Able to Slash Your Breast Cancer Risk by 90 Percent

REMINDER: In The Archive is all of the articles that I
have posted since I started this blog. There is TONS OF
INFORMATION there for you to learn from. It's the type
of information that not only saved my life...It also has
given me a better quality of life.


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Thank You Dr. Mercola

Carole Baggerly is the founder director of Grassroots Health. Her organization’s
 mission is to increase awareness about vitamin D and the crucial role it plays
in many aspects of your health.

Carole is on the cutting edge of vitamin D research, with her finger on the pulse
of  some of the world’s leading vitamin D scientists.

Prior to this focus, Carole’s educational background included physics and
mathematics,  and she owned and managed an aerospace business. However, her
passion for vitamin  D  arose from a more personal experience. She is a breast
cancer  survivor and attributes  a  large portion of her healing to vitamin D.

Her particular combination of managerial and executive skills,  education
in the sciences and personal health battles make her  uniquely qualified to get
 this  critical information into the hands of the public.

I first interviewed Carole in 2011. In this second interview, Carole discusses what
the latest science says about how vitamin D prevents and slows multiple forms of
cancer,  and why it’s so important to have your serum levels tested on a regular basis.

In fact, optimizing your vitamin D levels may help you prevent more than 16
different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, breast, prostate, and
skin  cancers.

Modest Vitamin D Levels May Decrease Your Risk of ALL Cancer by 77 Percent

Vitamin D has shown preventative benefits for many diseases, including heart
disease  and diabetes, and can even reduce chronic pain1. But when it comes
to cancer,  vitamin  D is its worst enemy! Theories linking vitamin D deficiency
to cancer  have  been tested  and confirmed in more than 200 epidemiological
studies,  and  understanding  of its  physiological basis stems from more than 2,500
laboratory  studies.

One particularly noteworthy study was completed by Joan Lappe and Robert
Heaney in 20072. A group of menopausal women were given enough vitamin D to
raise their serum levels to 40 ng/ml.

These women experienced a 77 percent reduction in the incidence of all cancers,
across the board, after just four years3. The remarkable thing is, 40 ng/ml is a
relatively  modest level. The latest information suggests the serum level sweet spot
for vitamin D is 50 to 70 ng/ml.  To have such stunning findings at just 40 ng/ml
underscores just how powerful and important vitamin D is to your body’s optimal

Could Breast Cancer Be 90 Percent Preventable, Just with Vitamin D?

Vitamin D has powerful effects when it comes to breast cancer, to the degree that
breast cancer is being described as a vitamin D deficiency syndrome.Of course,
other lifestyle factors are also important in preventing cancer, such as nutrition,
exercise, sleep, and managing stress. However, vitamin D’s critical importance
seems to grow with every emerging study.

Carole believes that 90 percent of ordinary breast cancer is related to vitamin D
deficiency which is 100 percent preventable!

This is absolutely a profoundly important statement. As breast cancer is the most
common cancer in women, this has massive implications for women’s health.
For  more
information about breast cancer, I invite you to watch my informational video on
the subject. Please be aware though that she is referring to more common types of
breast cancer as opposed to inflammatory breast cancer and some of the other
unique forms.

 Vitamin D Can Make Breast Cancer Cells Fall Apart

Dr. Cedric F. Garland of the University of California's San Diego Moores  Cancer
Center is the epidemiologist who has connected the dots between Vitamin D
deficiency and cancer. According to Garland, in nearly all forms of breast cancer,
vitamin D affects the structure of your epithelial cells. These cells are held together
by a glue-like substance called E-cadherin, which provides structure to the cell. E-
cadherin is made up of mostly vitamin D and calcium.

If you don’t have adequate vitamin D, that structure comes apart and those
cells  do what they are programmed to do in order to survive they go forth and
multiply.  If this growth process (cell proliferation) gets out of control, you may
end up with  cancer.

If you have breast cancer in progress, the addition of vitamin D can help stop cancer
cells in their tracks by replenishing E-cadherin. Once cancer growth is slowed,
your immune system can begin to get ahead of  the cancer cells, because it doesn’t
have to deal with gazillions of them. It’s just disposing of the leftovers. The theory
above is Dr. Garland’s DINOMIT theory and has been substantiated by subsequent
studies by other researchers.

Optimizing Vitamin D Reduces Your Risk of Preterm Birth by HALF

In addition to being a strong cancer preventive, if you are a pregnant woman,
vitamin D has some important benefits for you and your baby.

Unfortunately, an astounding 80 percent of pregnant women are vitamin 
D deficient, and you definitely do not want to be one of them.

    Carol Wagner and Bruce Hollis studied the effects of vitamin D levels on
pregnant women, with phenomenal results. The researchers gave 4,000  IUs
of vitamin D to a group of pregnant women, lowering their incidence  of preterm
deliveries by a whopping 50 percent. These stellar results  gave rise to a new
prenatal program at Grassroots Health, called Protect  Our Children Now, which
you can learn about on their website.

    Vitamin D is also known to improve a number of different problems of
pregnancy, including reducing your risk of having a low birth weight  baby
and lowering your chances of C-section. If you’re pregnant and have  good D3
levels, you are passing on important health protection to your  newborn baby
that will continue well after birth.

It’s ALL About Your Vitamin D Blood Level

    The most important factor is your vitamin D serum level. It doesn’t  matter how
much time you spend in the sun, or how much vitamin D3 you  take: if your serum
level is low, then you’re at risk, plain and simple.  And the only way to know your
serum level is to test it. As of the  present time, we don’t understand why people
differ so widely in their  serum responses to vitamin D supplementation. Until
science figures  this out, the only way to determine your serum level is by testing
your blood on a regular basis.

    Fortunately, all of the major labs have updated their vitamin D  testing protocols,
so it no longer matters which lab you use. It’s  recommended you check your level
every three to six months, because it  takes at least three months for it to stabilize
after a change in sun  exposure or supplement dose.

    The window you’re shooting for is 50 to 70ng/ml. More studies are  needed to
tease out the benefits of getting your serum level above 50,  and 60, and 70 in terms
of what specific benefits occur at each  increment. Above 20, you’re safe from
rickets. Above 30, your gums will  be healthy. Above 40, you receive great cancer
benefits. But there may  very well be reasons to push your level even higher we
just don’t have this information available yet. Science progresses slowly, and
researchers  are very cautious. For an interesting chart that shows disease
prevention  by serum vitamin D level, based on the research to date, visit this
page on the Grassroots Health site.

It is Actually Difficult to Get Toxic

    The best way to optimize your vitamin D level is through sun exposure
or a safe tanning bed as that virtually eliminates any risk of overdose.  As a
very general guide, you need to expose about 40 percent of your entire body
to the sun for approximately 20 minutes between the hours of 10 am  and 2 pm,
when the sun is at its zenith. There appears to be no risk of  vitamin D toxicity
from ultraviolet B exposure.

    If you’re using an oral supplement, recent studies suggest adults  need about
8,000 IU’s of oral vitamin D3 per day in order to get serum  levels above 40 ng/ml.
However, remember that if you take oral vitamin D,  you also need to boost your
vitamin K2, either through your food choices  or a supplement. Vitamin K2
deficiency is actually what produces the  symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, which
includes inappropriate calcification that can lead to hardening of your arteries. In
general, however, taking vitamin D3 is very safe. Even the conservative Institute
of Medicine has concluded that taking up to 10,000 IU per day poses no risk for
adverse effects.

    The ideal or optimal ratio between vitamin D and vitamin K2 has yet  to be
elucidated, so there’s little to go on in this regard. Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, author
of Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little Known Vitamin Could Save
Your Life, suggests 150-200 micrograms of K2  per day will meet the vitamin K2
needs of the "average" healthy person,  if you’re not taking a vitamin D supplement.
Keep in mind that some of  that can come from your diet, such as fermented
vegetables. If you take a vitamin D supplement, you may need to increase your
vitamin K2 some more.

Thank You Dr. Mercola

 God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Have a great day...unless you have made other plans.

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