Thursday, November 14, 2013

The War Between Orthodox Medicine And Alternative Medicine


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This is the longest article of the series and it is the most important. Do not rush through it. I'm going to split it into 2 parts so everyone has a chance to read and hopefully pass it on. Folks, we have to get this informatiojn out due to the new health insurance and the decrease of medical professionals.

First, I am going to ask three questions. Write down your answers to these questions on a piece of paper before reading any further:

1) When you hear that someone has "gone into remission," what goes through your mind?
2) Because chemotherapy causes so much pain and suffering, what statistic would justify its use?
3) What does "cure rate" mean?"

Write your answers on a piece of paper, then read this chapter, then see how accurate your answers were.


A newly diagnosed cancer patient has several options to deal with their cancer:

Treatment Options For Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patient

Have surgery, chemotherapy and radiation (i.e. orthodox treatments), as prescribed by their doctor (this may include orthodox treatments other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation).

Have surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, but drop out of the treatment program prematurely.

Refuse all treatments (i.e. have zero surgery, zero chemotherapy, zero radiation, zero alternative treatments, etc.).

Have alternative treatments after extensive orthodox treatments and after doctors have given up all hope for the treatment of this patient.

Have alternative treatments after some orthodox treatments, but the patient dropped out of the orthodox treatment program prematurely.

Have alternative treatments instead of orthodox treatments (i.e. they refused orthodox treatments).

Note that in the last three items, which deal with alternative treatments, there are over 100 different alternative treatments, thus there are really over 100 options available to a newly diagnosed cancer patient.

The key question to be dealt with is this: how do we determine which treatment plan is "best?" I think a normal person would judge the effectiveness of a treatment plan (or lack of effectiveness) on the basis of three criteria:

Treatment Decision Criteria

First, "length of life since diagnosis" (quantity of life, meaning how long do they live between diagnosis and death), and.....Second, "quality of life since diagnosis" (lack of pain and sickness).
Third, "strength of the immune system during and after treatments" (this is a measure of the body's ability to fight future cancer events).

For example, suppose Treatment A and Treatment B have identical "length of life since diagnosis" figures, but Treatment A patients have extreme suffering during treatment and patients of Treatment B have very little pain and suffering. I suspect that everyone would judge Treatment B as being the better or preferred of the two treatment plans.

These three treatment decision criteria can lead to some subjective evaluations. For example, suppose the patients on Treatment Plan C have a "length of life since diagnosis" of 12 months, and the patients on Treatment Plan D have a "length of life since diagnosis" of 11 months, but have far, far less pain, suffering and sickness during treatment. Which treatment plan is best? The answer is subjective, but I think most people would favor Treatment Plan D.

In short, we can intuitively define a treatment plan as "best" if it is the most desirable treatment plan, given the data of the three treatment decision criteria statistics. In other words, the plan picked by the most number of people who have accurate treatment decision criteria information about the treatment options would be judged the "best" plan.

For example, suppose a person had a list of all possible treatment options (even the 100 alternative treatments) and for each treatment option they had accurate data for all three treatment decision criteria (e.g. quantity, quality and immune system) for their type of newly diagnosed cancer at the stage in which they are in at the time of diagnosis. The person could look at the chart and within a few minutes pick their treatment protocol. It would be easy to decide which option to choose.

But therein lies the problem, what is the accurate data for the above treatment options for the three treatment decision criteria, for a specific type of cancer diagnosed at a specific stage? None of this data is available. You might be interested to know "why" this data is not available. That is what this chapter is about.

The Theory of Orthodox Medicine

Orthodox medicine is generally based on a three-pronged attack. To understand this attack, let us consider a person who has newly diagnosed colon cancer, which has metastasized to other parts of their body.

The medical doctors would first consider the density of cancer cells in various parts of the person's body. Most likely, the density of the cancer cells in the colon area would be higher than in any other part of the body.

The first rule of orthodox medicine is to cut out the parts of the body that have the densest level of cancer cells. This is called surgery. Thus, surgeons would cut out the sections of the body that have a dense level of cancer cells.

The second rule of orthodox medicine is to use chemotherapy to treat the less dense areas of cancer cells.

The third rule of orthodox medicine is to use radiation (i.e. radiotherapy) to complete the treatment plan. This might be to kill even more cancer cells and put the patient into remission.

Before going any further, I should talk about alternative treatments for cancer. First, alternative treatments for cancer rarely, and I mean rarely, ever depend on surgery.

For example, there were only three situations where Dr. Binzel, an M.D. laetrile doctor (which is one type of alternative treatment), advised surgery for his laetrile patients:

    "1. If the tumor, because of its size or position, is interfering with some vital function, you have to deal with the tumor by whatever means are best available.

    2. If the tumor, because of its size or position, is causing pain, you have to deal with the tumor by whatever means are available.

    3. If the presence of the tumor presents a psychological problem for the patient, have it removed."
Doctor Binzel also said: "If the tumor is remote, not causing any problems, and the patient agrees, I leave the tumor alone." It is important to understand the reasons for his statements. A tumor is a symptom of cancer, and generally does not threaten the life of a patient. It is the spreading of the cancer that causes life-threatening situations. Neither surgery, chemotherapy nor radiation stop the spreading of cancer. Only the immune system can stop the spreading of cancer.

It is interesting to note that none of his three reasons for surgery had anything to do with treating the cancer. All of the reasons were physical or mental, and had nothing to do with killing cancer cells.

Obviously, however, if a person has a small benign skin cancer, there is nothing wrong with cutting it off. This, in spite of the fact there is a superb alternative treatment for skin cancer called Amazon Tonic III(see my section on treatments).

Because alternative treatments rarely use surgery, this means alternative treatments work on the dense areas of cancer cells equally well as the less dense areas of cancer cells. This is because alternative treatments selectively kill cancer cells (directly or indirectly), and thus work equally well wether the cancer cells are dense or less dense.

Getting back to orthodox medicine, you might ask yourself this question: "if chemotherapy is as good as people say it is, then why is surgery necessary?" In other words: "if chemotherapy is so good why isn't chemotherapy, instead of surgery, used on the very dense sections of cancer cells?"

To compare the two treatment types, if someone said chemotherapy was better than alternative treatments, then it would be logical that orthodox medicine would not demand surgery and alternative treatments would demand surgery. But just the opposite is true, chemotherapy demands surgery and alternative medicine has no interest or need for surgery. Something is wrong with this picture. But I am getting ahead of myself. We need to talk about definitions.

Remission, Response, Markers, etc.

I just mentioned that none of the above data is available. Then what exactly do doctors measure? They measure things like "response," meaning is there improvement in some criteria, such as a reduction in the size of a tumor. They measure such things as "remission," meaning the absence of symptoms. They measure such things as "tumor markers," which are a variety of measurement techniques to evaluate the cancer. And so on.


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Have a great day...unless you have made other plans.

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