Saturday, March 30, 2013

    Continued from last post

Metabolic Therapy/Ketogenic Diet Being Investigated as Cancer Treatment

    CBN News recently published an article on the ketogenic diet.2 Clearly,
many people are realizing that what we have been doing in terms of fighting
cancer is simply not working, and we cannot afford to continue in the same
way. Prevention must be addressed if we ever want to turn the tide on the
growing incidence of cancer across all age groups. But even more astounding,
in terms of treatment, is that cancer may respond to diet alone.

        “Dr. Fred Hatfield is an impressive guy: a power-lifting champion,
author of dozens of books, a millionaire businessman with a beautiful wife.
But he'll tell you his greatest accomplishment is killing his cancer just in
the nick of time,” CBN News writes. "The doctors gave me three months to live
because of widespread metastatic cancer in my skeletal structure," he
recalled. "Three months; three different doctors told me that same thing."

    Dr. Hatfield was preparing to die when he heard of metabolic therapy,
also known as the ketogenic diet. He had nothing to lose so he gave it a try,
and... it worked. The cancer disappeared completely, and at the time of his
interview (above), he’d been cancer-free for over a year.

        “'We have dramatically increased survival with metabolic therapy,'
[Dr. D’Agostino] said. 'So we think it's important to get this information
out.' It's not just lab mice. Dr. D'Agostino has also seen similar success in
people - lots of them. 'I've been in correspondence with a number of people,'
he said. 'At least a dozen over the last year-and-a-half to two years, and
all of them are still alive, despite the odds. So this is very encouraging.'”

How Does Ketogenic Diet Starve Cancer Cells?

    Dr. D’Agostino explains how the ketogenic diet can have such a dramatic
(and rapid) effect on cancer. All of your body’s cells are fueled by glucose.
This includes cancer cells. However, cancer cells have one built-in fatal
flaw – they do not have the metabolic flexibility of your regular cells and
cannot adapt to use ketone bodies for fuel as all your other cells can.

    So, when you alter your diet and become what’s known as “fat-adapted,”
your body starts using fat for fuel rather than carbs. When you switch out
the carbs for healthy fats, you starve the cancer out, as you’re no longer
supplying the necessary fuel – glucose – for their growth. As D’Agostino

        "Your normal cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt from using
glucose to using ketone bodies. But cancer cells lack this metabolic
flexibility. So we can exploit that.”

    I’ve previously discussed ways to “starve” cancer, and eliminating
sugar/fructose and grains (ie carbohydrates) is at the very top of the list.
It’s the most basic step without which few other dietary strategies are
likely to succeed. In order to be effective, you must first STOP doing that
which is promoting cancer growth (or poor health in general), and then all
the other preventive strategies have the chance to really have an impact.

What Makes for a Cancer-Fighting Diet?

    Please remember addressing your diet should be at the top of your list.
Naturally, processed foods and soft drinks do not belong in a cancer-
preventive diet, as they are loaded with carbs that turn into fuel for cancer
cells. Carbs also raise your insulin and leptin levels, and keeping your
insulin and leptin signaling healthy is imperative if you want to avoid
chronic disease of all kinds, including cancer.

    Processed foods may also contain trans fat – the only type of fat you
really need to avoid like the plague. They are also loaded with omega-6 fats
which the featured otherwise excellent video failed to mention. Increasing
the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is another potent way to increase your risk of
cancer cell proliferation.

What About Protein?

    One of my primary mentors in the importance of insulin and leptin, Dr.
Rosedale. was one of the first professionals to advocate both a low-carb and
moderate protein (and therefore high quality fat) diet. This was contrary to
most low-carb advocates who were, and still are, very accepting of, if not
promoting, high protein, as a replacement for the carbs.

    If you or someone you know is challenged with cancer, the healthiest
option may be to replace the carbs with beneficial fats, and limit your
protein to high quality organic/pastured sources only. Dr. Rosedale advises 1
gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass which for most people will be
about 50 grams of protein a day (or 0.5 grams per pound of lean body weight).
While you can take carbs to very low levels in ketogenic diets, you must have
some protein every day to replace your body’s requirements. The key is to add
healthy fat to replace the carbs and excess protein.


Don't Let Your Woman Slip Away!

Whitney Houston Heartbreak Hotel

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

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